How do I take a break when there’s SO much to do? Chances are we can’t “afford” to take a break, because if we stop working the whole machine implodes…
The ketogenic diet and intermittent fasting have more in common than you may believe. When combining the two practices, they may be able to synergistically work together toward common goals…
Date a girl who doesn’t read. Find her in the weary squalor of a Midwestern bar. Find her in the smoke, drunken sweat, and varicolored light of an upscale nightclub….
Too much and too long, we seem to have surrendered community excellence and community values in the mere accumulation of material things. Our gross national product…if we should judge the…
Many people believe that working out hard will show the results you are looking for. Though this is true, it is also important that you balance that rest…
If you want to be more attractive, make a decision to live in a beautiful state. To say, “I’m not going to give up my happiness over little stuff. I’m…
When was the last time you smiled, not because you felt like it, but just for the sake of smiling? You’d probably do it more often if you knew that…
What makes somebody a genius? What are the constituent parts? The source materials? The causal chain? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Most people think genius happens in isolation. However, evidence proves that “lone geniuses”…
Don’t be attached to the outcome. Now, this is a tough one! “Don’t be attached to the outcome.” Do your part, speak your truth – and let it go. In…